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Birdie Blog

Pam Connally
Flurries and Photos
The annual High Country Christmas Card Photo Shoot is always a “hoot” but we needed a little something extra this year….MORE SNOW in the...

Jordan Jolley
Pumpkin Seeds: A Scary Good Birdie Snack
We are just finishing up “pumpkin season”. This time of year pumpkin spice candles, lattes, pies, etc. are seemingly everywhere you look....

Ken Strausheim
Drag Racing: 2019 Season
2019 was an extremely fun season of drag racing. We finished up with 3 wins, 2 final round appearances, and several round wins. At one...

Pam Connally
Hurricanes and Peanuts
Over the last few years, we have held our breath as hurricanes barrel their way toward the southeastern portion of the United States. ...

Jason Scott
Sunflower Crop Update
Bring on an Indian Summer. Right now old crop black oils are tight. A lot of elevators are sold out and some won’t even offer new crop...

Vicki Clingman
Managing the Office
A little bit about what I do at High Country Mercantile. As Office Manager I handle the accounting aspects of the business. Month end,...

Pam Connally
2019 Golf Outing
There are two things we look forward to every year: the High Country Christmas Party and the Annual Golf Outing. You noticed I wrote...

Laurie Ash
USDA Acreage Update
On June 28 the USDA released the Acreage and Grain Stocks reports. While the report provided some support for both corn and soybeans, it...

Ken Strausheim
My First Win
At a very young age I was introduced to motorsports. Over the years I have participated in go-kart, stock car and off-road truck racing....

Vicki Clingman
Deer in the Landscape
Anywhere you are landscaping has its challenges and I say “bring it on”, as it is a favorite pastime of mine. I make it a point to know...

Jordan Jolley
Fuel for Thought
Undoubtedly, factoring freight costs and managing logistics is one of the most interesting aspects of merchandising. In an...

Jason Scott
Black Oil Sunflower Market
Is it the calm after the storms? The sunflower market is relatively quiet. The Midwest was pummeled repeatedly with moisture, in one...

Pam Connally
Time for a Change?
Daylight Savings Time (DST): To keep or not to keep?! Does it affect bird feeding? In the winter, wild birds will eat at dawn to restore...

Laurie Ash
Obsessive Compulsive Bronco Disorder
In 1996 I bought a 1974 Ford Bronco as my daily driver. My kids were 2 and 4 years old at the time and now they are 25 and 26 years old!...

Jordan Jolley
Coming to a Polar Vortex Near You
All across the country, folks are bundling up for protection from the extremely cold temperatures this winter; courtesy of some polar...

Ken Strausheim
Why We Live in Wyoming
With Spring in sight, we begin to dream of warmer temperatures, and the freedom to enjoy the outdoors. This winter, after the snow and...

Jason Scott
An Essay - “ I will be out sick today”
How fitting it would be my turn to write a blog post that fate would have me sick (I need no help procrastinating, as it is.) On a cough...

Vicki Clingman
Meals on Wheels: Providing Peace of Mind for Loved Ones Near and Far
It brings me pleasure to write about the Meals on Wheels program that is offered to our Senior Community, as well as others that are...

Pam Connally
Peanut Hearts
Don’t break my Heart! Peanut Hearts are becoming a rare commodity. Why is this? Raw Peanut Hearts are created from the blanching...

Pam Connally
The Heart of the Season
The hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season is something we all look forward to...putting up the Christmas tree, baking cookies,...
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